HODT Korrosionsschutz für Winterdienste

Winter Service

HODT Korrosionsschutz

Corrosion protection for winter service

The perfect solution for winter equipment

Equipment used during the winter is not only exposed to the harsh climate, but also to chemicals and road salts used to secure the road. Metals and electrical connections are particularly affected. Vehicles that come into contact with road salts while driving are permanently exposed to highly corrosive chemicals. These chemicals kick up and cling to metals and underbodies, re-crystallizing as they dry.

PROFESSIONAL corrosion protection

FLUID FILM does not freeze, remaining active to migrate on metal surfaces. Penetrating metal pores, it creates an airtight seal that blocks road salts and moisture. Remaining slick even in sub-zero temperatures, FLUID FILM is an excellent release agent for snow. Helping to keep snow and ice from building or sticking to metal. FLUID FILM is also the perfect product for winterizing equipment stored indoors and out.


Wire ropes are effectively protected by the particularly temperature-stable FLUID FILM WRO-EP.
FLUID FILM helps chains to have a longer service life.
It penetrates into the interior of the chain, prevents wear and ensures long-lasting lubrication. It displaces trapped water and forms a protective barrier and thus prevents washing off by water. FLUID FILM withstands a wide temperature range, withstands high humidity and, as it does not freeze, prevents chain jams due to water frozen in chain links.
FLUID FILM protects the entire snow plow including all electrical connections, pivot points, nuts, bolts, chains, cables and underbody from corrosion. FLUID FILM remains slick even at sub-zero temperatures and also prevents snow and ice from building up on metals and plastics such as plow blades and headlights.
FLUID FILM penetrates to the base metal, providing a lasting protective barrier against corrosion. Due to its lubricating properties, FLUID FILM protects underbody coatings from rust. In addition, it migrates to inaccessible areas, providing long-term protection.

The solution for ice and frost

When frost turns the road network into dangerous slides in winter, salt is usually used.
More and more motorway maintenances and municipal companies are making use of FLUID FILM’s decades of experience in seagoing shipping.
FLUID FILM offers a cheaper and more effective alternative to the standard hard-underbody coatings.


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FLUID FILM in winter service

Product Overview Winter Service



VISCOSITY: low-medium (eg. like ketchup) |
DURATION: ca. 8 years (in closed cavities) |
PROCESSING: with conventional compressed air systems to heat the material to about 25 ° C or with airless systems

Fluid Film WRO-EP


FLUID FILM WRO-EP Fluid Film | Industry | Agriculture | Truck | Aerospace | Shipping | Recreational boating | Wind turbines | Winter service VISCOSITY: very high (e.g. ike hard butter)CREEP ABILITY: +PROTECTION PERIOD: approx. 30 Years (in closed cavities)PROCESSING: Wire rope lubricator or brush / roller / wool gloveMILITARY APPROVAL: MIL-G-18458B (SH) FLUID FILM WRO-EP – […]

MULTI FILM Rostschutz und Konservierung


Hodt MULTI FILM MULTI FILM | Automobile | Industry | Agriculture | Truck | Wind Power | Winter Service PRIMER & top coat – solvent-freeVISCOSITY: +TERM OF PROTECTION: +++++++HANDLING: with brush, roller, dip or spray (paint gun/pressure cup gun)COLOR: transparent (clear), black HODT MULTI FILM is a physiologically harmless, water-based resin system with which almost all […]