Luftfahrt und Raumfahrt

Luft- & Raumfahrt

HODT Korrosionsschutz

Corrosion Protection in Aerospace

The perfect way to keep aviation corrosion under control

In the atmospherically critical aerospace industry, corrosion preventing and lubricating agents have to undergo extensive and complex tests in order to obtain chemical and technical approval.


FLUID FILM has faced intensive testing by government research laboratories, as advanced as Boeing Space Systems Division for use in the Space Shuttle and the Boeing Engineering Materials and Process Laboratory for use in aluminum alloys, exceeding process requirements and expectations, ultimately resulting in reduced maintenance costs.

FLUID FILM has proven to be so effective in these industries that it has been included in the tenders of the U.S. Navy/Army/Marine Corps., Sundstrand Aerospace, Boeing North America, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. National Guard, Sikorsky Helicopter and Delta Airlines for various applications.

The U.S. AirForce has conducted tests with FLUID FILM in accordance with Mil-C-16173-E Grade 2. FLUID FILM exceeded all requirements.

The applications of FLUID FILM as corrosion protection and lubricants in this area are correspondingly diverse. It protects metal alloys, wheel arches (chassis), reduction tubes, fairings and covers from corrosion. As a lubricant, it is used, among other things, for all locking mechanisms (doors, hatches, hinges), seat rails (cabins, cockpit), bushings, bearings and seals. Since Fluid Film is not conductive, it is also used to protect electrical connections.


Product OVERVIEW Aerospace



VISCOSITY: low-medium (eg. like ketchup) |
DURATION: ca. 8 years (in closed cavities) |
PROCESSING: with conventional compressed air systems to heat the material to about 25 ° C or with airless systems

Fluid Film WRO-EP


FLUID FILM WRO-EP Fluid Film | Industry | Agriculture | Truck | Aerospace | Shipping | Recreational boating | Wind turbines | Winter service VISCOSITY: very high (e.g. ike hard butter)CREEP ABILITY: +PROTECTION PERIOD: approx. 30 Years (in closed cavities)PROCESSING: Wire rope lubricator or brush / roller / wool gloveMILITARY APPROVAL: MIL-G-18458B (SH) FLUID FILM WRO-EP – […]