Korossionsschutz in Haus & Garten

HOme & GarDen Applications

HODT Korrosionsschutz

Home & Garden

FLUID FILM is perfect for household and garden

Corrosion also often occurs in the private sector. In addition to rain and snow, valuable garden tools, bicycles or outdoor facilities are also exposed to fertilizers or insect repellents. These are a highly corrosive load on equipment and material, which therefore constantly require corrosion protection.


Metals that do not have this protection have a shorter service life and are more often defective. Therefore, corrosion protection is a key element for their maintenance and preservation.

FLUID FILM is not only easy to process, but also forms a highly creepy protective film on the metal surfaces, penetrates existing rust and thus forms an effective well-adhering protective layer.

In addition to its excellent corrosion protection properties, FLUID FILM also ensures long-lasting lubrication. It does not freeze, does not resin, has a water-displacing effect, is not conductive and thus keeps moving parts and electrics in usable condition. Further, it unfolds its effect not only when using the various garden and household appliances. Especially during storage, FLUID FILM ensures that valuable garden tools, such as lawnmowers, remain ready for use for a long time. The toolbox or tools (e.B. secateurs, saws, shovels) stored in the garage are effectively protected against rust with FLUID FILM. Garage doors, garden gates and gate bars are always movable thanks to FLUID FILM.

Does the door squeak, the lock jam or does the drawer (running rail) become cumbersome? Simply spray on FLUID FILM and it is running as lubricated again.

FLUID FILM thus provides effective protection at a wide variety of storage points in potentially corrosion environments.

FLUID FILM is permanently active, contains no solvents and does not evaporate. It is based on wool wax fat and is therefore physiologically harmless.


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FLUID FILM in Home & Garden




VISCOSITY: low-medium (eg. like ketchup) |
DURATION: ca. 8 years (in closed cavities) |
PROCESSING: with conventional compressed air systems to heat the material to about 25 ° C or with airless systems