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MULTI FILM | Automobile | Industry | Agriculture | Truck | Wind Power | Winter Service
PRIMER & top coat – solvent-free
HANDLING: with brush, roller, dip or spray (paint gun/pressure cup gun)
COLOR: transparent (clear), black
HODT MULTI FILM is a physiologically harmless, water-based resin system with which almost all carrier materials can be coated. The 1 component metal protective lacquer can be used both as a primer and as a topcoat for inside and outside.
Application fields
Ballast water tanks, damp empty cells, offshore and industrial plants, machine parts, tools and equipment during sea transport and longer external storage. HODT MULTI FILM is suitable both as protection of metallic surfaces and as additional protection of painted surfaces against environmental influences and mechanical damage. As a clear corrosion protection, it has proven itself especially for the preservation of an original patina. As a result, it is used in various areas of application. These can be found in the automotive industry (young and classic cars), restoration, mechanical engineering, aviation, agriculture, storage, transport.
Surface preparation
HODT MULTI FILM can be applied directly to fixed rust, as well as to already painted surfaces or bare metals. It adheres to all metals and most solid organic substances. Be sure to apply only on cleaned and grease-free substrate. Remove loose particles with a wire brush. Detailed information can be found in our technical data sheet.
DThe effectiveness of a rust protection system depends, among other things, decisively on the layer-thickness. A dry layer-thickness of at least 100μ should be achieved. This is achieved when spraying after 2 to 3 – with the brush after 3 to 5 applications.
Effect / Properties
- solvent-free and physiologically harmless during application and as a protective film;
- forms a hard, abrasion-resistant and elastic layer that reliably protects against rust
- can be painted over with commercially available colors (a test application is still recommended)
- oxidatively drying (after about 2 hours the coating is dust-dry, after 24 hours overpaintable)
- excellent adhesion
- economical in use (1.2 LTR for approx. 5 m² with 2 coats)
- if necessary, the viscosity can be adjusted with water
- can be used in a temperature range from -40 to 120 °C
- optimal processing temperature, 15-20 °C
- highest chemical and mechanical resistance
- easy to process
- Excellent resistance to corrosion, weathering, solvents, diluted acids and alkalis
Container sizes
- 1 LTR plastic bottle
- 20 LTR bucket
DATasheet (PDF)
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MULTI FILM datasheet